A fast and space-efficient pre-filter
raptor build

Main Parameters


  • HIBF A layout file produced with raptor layout.
  • IBF List of sequence files
    The input file contains paths to the sequence data. Each line may contain multiple paths (separated by a whitespace).
    /absolute/path/to/file1.fasta /absolute/path/to/file2.fasta
    Many file types and compressions are supported. Click to show a list.

    Supported file extensions are (possibly followed by bz2, gz, or bgzf):
      • embl
      • fasta
      • fa
      • fna
      • ffn
      • faa
      • frn
      • fas
      • fastq
      • fq
      • genbank
      • gb
      • gbk
      • sam

    List of preprocessed files
    See -​-output.
    As a convenience, raptor prepare creates a minimiser.list file in the output directory. This file can be used as input for raptor layout and raptor build.


The output file name.


The number of threads to use. Both IBF and HIBF construction can heavily benefit from parallelisation.


By default, runtime and memory statistics are printed to stderr at the end.

This flag disables this behaviour.


  • HIBF Read from layout file. The read value can be overwritten with this option. However, a warning will be emitted to prevent accidentally overwriting k.
  • IBF See Choosing window and k-mer size.


  • HIBF Read from layout file. The read value can be overwritten with this option. However, a warning will be emitted to prevent accidentally overwriting w.
  • IBF See Choosing window and k-mer size.


  • HIBF Read from layout file. The read value can be overwritten with this option. However, a warning will be emitted to prevent accidentally overwriting fpr.
  • IBF Sets an upper bound for Bloom Filter false positives.
    Recommendation: default value (0.05)
      • A lower fpr limits the number of false-positive results, but increases index size.
      • A higher fpr can help to reduce memory consumption in cases where false-positive k-mers have little effect.
    See also: Bloom Filter Calculator.

Bloom Filter Calculator


  • HIBF Read from layout file. The read value can be overwritten with this option. However, a warning will be emitted to prevent accidentally overwriting h.
  • IBF The number of hash functions to use for Bloom Filters. Influences the index size.
    Recommendation: default value (2)
    It should only be changed for experimentation.
    See also: Bloom Filter Calculator.


  • HIBF Not yet available.
  • IBF Splits the index. Lower memory consumption, but higher runtime cost when searching. Output files will have a suffix _x, where x is a number.